Catholic Australian History for Homeschoolers

Sometimes at homeschool camps we hear from guest speakers with interesting ideas. One such guest speaker is Peter Doig from sunny Queensland. He homeschooled his kids and has a keen interest in History.

His webpage is:

and my main aim in writing this is to save the link so that next time I search the internet maybe a search engine will pick it up this time!

He has 20 units of approx 10 hours work each covering fairly modern history - lots of wars.

He is also developing a course on the Historical Origins of Christianity.

The courses are provided as downloads, or on USB.

He does have a youtube channel, but the vast majority of his videos are not indexed, but

And just in case, here is what he looks like:

Mr P Doig

Veronica Brandt
Veronica Brandt
Technician and Tutor

My research interests include Gregorian chant, knitting, constructing long skirts with pockets and taking over the world.